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Health Education and Promotion

The concentration in Health Education and Promotion is a cognation of coursework that enables students to learn concepts and strategies to plan, implement, and evaluate national, state, and local health education/promotion programs to improve the health status and health outcomes of populations. In addition, focus on vulnerable populations and cultural competency is emphasized in the coursework to reduce health disparities and promote social justice and health equity.

The purpose of the Health Education and Promotion Concentration is to prepare Public Health students for careers in health education with national, state, and local health agencies, education systems, community agencies, or other public service agencies. In addition, the concentration prepares to students to sit for a national certification: Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES).

Students in this concentration will explore theories and trends in health behaviors of individuals and communities, and will learn to apply socioecological-based strategies for health education/promotion program planning, implementation, evaluation, and administration, as well as develop and practice skills in critical thinking, problem solving, and communication.