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About the Department

Statement on Racism and Health Equity:


Mission: The mission of the Department of Public Health is to equip students and communities to meet evolving public health challenges through inclusive learning, applied scholarship, and collaborative partnerships.

Vision: Our vision is advancing population health and equity across the life course through leadership in education, research, and practice.

Values: The Department of Public Health is committed to academic excellence, evidence-based research and action, social justice, authentic community engagement, interdisciplinary collaboration, and a global perspective.


The goals of the Department of Public Health are to:

        1. Provide a broad-based undergraduate program that prepares graduates for entry-level public health positions and/or graduate education.

        2. Prepare master-level professionals to assume leadership positions within their selected public health settings.

        3. Engage surrounding communities and diverse populations of interest to support health-enhancing activities.

        4. Conduct innovative research that advances the practice of public health.