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Reaching Higher in Human Services

Human Services Titans Reach Higher



  • 4
  • Specialized
  • Concentrations
  • 12
  • Competent
  • Full-Time Faculty
  • 8
  • Opportunities
  •       Within Human Services

Through the application of theory, research, and self-reflection, the Human Services Department prepares students to serve diverse individuals, families and communities.


Council on Standards in Human Services Education (CSHSE) Accreditation Organization

The CSHSE is committed to assuring the quality, consistency, and relevance of human service education through research-based standards and a peer-review, accreditation process. Our vision is to promote excellence in human service education, provide quality assurance, and support standards of performance and practice through the accreditation process.

The CSHSE National Standards are based on national research of human service educational programs that are grounded in relationship with service providers in their communities. In addition, the Standards have been confirmed through external research (see the Community Support Skill Standards) and the continuing emergence of the human services field since the early 1970s. Over the years, the language of the Standards has been updated and clarified based on the self-studies and input from CSHSE Members.

The Human Services Department at California State University, Fullerton has been accredited by CSHSE since 1982.


The Human Services Department Office offers an array of help for Human Services students.  Not only can our expert staff help answer your questions, but they are there to help guide you to the answers you seek.

For more information, click on our Advising Tab or visit EC-105.